Tyler Cowen, Columnist

The AI Hype Has Subsided, But the Revolution Continues

Don’t be deceived: Artificial intelligence will be just as ubiquitous and transformative as advertised. 

It can even get your clothes cleaner.

Photographer: Krisztian Bocsi/Bloomberg

We seem to be in what I can only call an “AI lull.” The initial excitement about ChatGPT, which started in January, has receded. Google searches for ChatGPT peaked in April and are now down significantly, as is customer engagement with ChatGPT. Claude 2, a new and wonderful model released in July by Anthropic, hasn’t captured the public imagination the way ChatGPT did.

Do not be deceived. While the hype and marketing may have died down, at least on the retail side, the AI revolution marches on. And it will be just as transformative as advertised.