Tyler Cowen, Columnist

Ozempic Is Transforming the Health of Denmark’s Economy

The success of Novo Nordisk shows the outsized effect a single company can have on a nation.    

Also the headquarters of the Danish economy.

Photographer: Liselotte Sabroe/AFP

From both a biomedical and economic point of view, the success of the new class of weight-loss drugs is something to behold. Not only are they a remarkable scientific achievement, but — in the case of Ozempic and Wegovy, both made by Novo Nordisk — they are a huge boon to the Danish economy. The Danish pharmaceutical industry kept Denmark from falling into a recession last year.

The dependence of some mid-sized economies on a single commodity, often related to oil or natural gas, is a familiar story. The new twist, which may become increasingly common, is a national economy dependent on a single company — not a natural resource. This will lead to some fundamentally new economic and political dynamics.