Elinor Ostrom as a Mentor: An Interview Between Vlad Tarko and Bobbi Herzberg

On this episode of the Hayek Program Podcast, we continue the Hayek Program's celebration of Elinor Ostrom as Vlad Tarko, assistant professor and author of The Intellectual Biography of Elinor Ostrom, interviews Hayek Program distinguished senior fellow Bobbi Herzberg on Elinor Ostrom's role as a mentor and friend. Herzberg recounts heartwarming memories from her time working with Elinor Ostrom, including those on Elinor Ostrom's work ethic, humble personality, and role as a bridge to Vincent Ostrom. Herzberg also describes her journey from rational choice theory to the Ostrom's teaching and tells how both Vincent and Elinor Ostrom helped guide her through "being a student again" before briefly discussing the history of the Bloomington workshop.

About Hayek Program Podcast

The Hayek Program Podcast includes audio from lectures, interviews, and discussions of scholars and visitors from the F. A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.