From 'Broad Studies' to Internet-based 'Expert Knowledge Aggregation'

Notes on the Methodology and Technology of Knowledge Integration

The paper takes as a starting point Herman Kahn's concept of a process-based approach to future-oriented knowledge aggregation and integration and discusses the opportunities created by Internet technologies to achieve the goal envisioned by such a model.

The paper takes as a starting point Herman Kahn's concept of a process-based approach to future-oriented knowledge aggregation and integration and discusses the opportunities created by Internet technologies to achieve the goal envisioned by such a model. The paper briefly introduces a general framework for analyzing knowledge aggregation, the use of various aggregation mechanisms as well as aggregation systems that rely either on human facilitators (meta-experts) or on computer algorithms. Available online instruments for knowledge aggregation and expert challenge are presented and the possibility of using them for setting up “virtual think tanks” for foresight studies is explored.

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