Greater Economic Freedom Can Reduce Poverty In Africa

Originally published in Free Market Foundation

Africa has the dubious distinction of contributing 18 of the last 25 countries ranked in the Economic Freedom of the World: 2008 Annual Report (EFW) released on 16 September.


Africa has the dubious distinction of contributing 18 of the last 25 countries ranked in the Economic Freedom of the World: 2008 Annual Report (EFW) released on 16 September. While South Africa has slipped from 49th to 54th in the rankings, it remains third in Africa and in the top 40 per cent of countries measured.
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Africa has the dubious distinction of contributing 18 of the last 25 countries ranked in the Economic Freedom of the World: 2008 Annual Report (EFW) released on 16 September. While South Africa has slipped from 49th to 54th in the rankings, it remains third in Africa and in the top 40 per cent of countries measured.

Continue reading at: Free Market Foundation

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