Make South Africa a Tax Haven to Promote Economic Growth

Originally published in Free Market Foundation

Next week, SA’s Minister of Finance, Trevor Manuel, will be giving his annual budget speech in Parliament. Although his initial plans to deal with the world economic crisis will be incorporated in the budget speech, his staff will already be working on longer term plans to try and give SA’s citizens a comparative advantage in coping with the crisis.


Next week, SA’s Minister of Finance, Trevor Manuel, will be giving his annual budget speech in Parliament. Although his initial plans to deal with the world economic crisis will be incorporated in the budget speech, his staff will already be working on longer term plans to try and give SA’s citizens a comparative advantage in coping with the crisis. Their plans should include the benefits of making SA a tax haven. 
Continue reading at : Free Market Foundation


Next week, SA’s Minister of Finance, Trevor Manuel, will be giving his annual budget speech in Parliament. Although his initial plans to deal with the world economic crisis will be incorporated in the budget speech, his staff will already be working on longer term plans to try and give SA’s citizens a comparative advantage in coping with the crisis. Their plans should include the benefits of making SA a tax haven. 

Continue reading at : Free Market Foundation

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