On Not Doing Due Diligence

Bagus and Howden On Free Banking

In their recent article in the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Bagus and Howden (2010) present “quibbles” with fractional-reserve free banking. Specifically, they raise what they call “unaddressed issues” in this system, with a particular emphasis on Selgin (1988).

In their recent article in the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Bagus and Howden (2010) present “quibbles” with fractional-reserve free banking. Specifically, they raise what they call “unaddressed issues” in this system, with a particular emphasis on Selgin (1988). We deem their arguments to be more substantial than “quibbles” and see them as part of a longstanding debate about fundamental aspects of monetary theory. We respond to their objections and attempt to specify how debate between the two sides might proceed more productively.

Read the full article at Springerlink.com.

Citation (Chicago Style).

Evans, Anthony J. and Horwitz, Steven. "On Not Doing Due Diligence: Bagus and Howden On Free Banking," The Review of Austrian Economics, Vol. 25, No. 2, (2012): 149-157.

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